Friday, September 24, 2010


ONLY 234 Available
Order Auto Traffic Avalanche Now
For A One-Off 75% Discounted Price
Of ONLY $39

Never Made A Red Cent Online? Or Tried And Not Had Any Joy?

It doesn’t matter. I’m so confident that Auto Traffic Avalanche will get results for YOU, if it doesn’t I’ll pay you every red cent back. That’s GUARANTEED for a crazy 60 days. You have my word.

“Imagine Making Even 2% Of That...

All It Takes Is 13 Clicks And 12 Minutes A Day To Run - Guaranteed"

WARNING: Forget Mind-Numbing SEO, One Sale-In-A-Million PPV,

Bank-Crushing PPC
And Screw Google, Yahoo and MSN

This Is So New And Easy, It’ll Shock The Hell Outta You....

If you're struggling to make money online, this software is exactly what you need...

A tool that’s highly controversial and siphons laser-targeted traffic from a 1.8 Billion Traffic Bank.

A tool which breaks all the rules and takes you in a NEW direction - away from pain and losses, and towards cash profits and freedom.”

And I really do mean you're about to break ALL the rules. To generate those kinds of numbers, I had to abandon expensive advertising like Google Adwords, Pay Per View & Media Buys, and put an end to tiresome traditional traffic-getting tactics like SEO, Twitter and email marketing.”

And what’s more - it’s all completely legal."

No Time –
set it up with just 13 clicks and get started instantly – instant automated traffic that you can profit from within 112 minutes

No Holes In Your Pocket – got $14? Get ready to MAKE MONEY.

No Hassles – push button tool with no techy knowledge or of affiliate marketing needed

Here's Proof Of What A Total Beginner Can Do...

You're about to find out how an average guy who, 3 years ago, didn’t even know what a web browser was, and even now hates using computers, but still makes $219,249 a month hands-free, by exposing a glitch.

Read every single word below because this thing really will change your life...

From: Mike Wright

Location: Stockport, England

Date: Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear Potential Internet Profiteer,

In the same way you have stumbled across this letter, imagine stumbling across a “glitch”. Not normally a good thing, is it?

Now imagine that that glitch generates $325, $432 or even $618 a day.

Imagine if you could exploit that glitch, day-in, day-out. Week-after-week. Month-after-month.

But to do that, you’d need access to a secret software tool.

I’m talking about a tool that’s so powerful, yet so simple to use.

A tool that you can install and run in the space of 13 clicks.

A tool that churns out hands-free income with such cold consistency that it’d shock you.

A tool that’s highly controversial and siphons laser-targeted traffic at the overhwelming volume of 19,337 potential paying customers in just a day.

And what’s more - it’s all completely legal.

I can guarantee that this isn’t like anything you’ve ever seen before. This is so raw and new it’ll shock the hell out of you. I’m being deadly serious.

This is probably my biggest web traffic breakthrough in years, and I wrote this letter just for my subscribers and a few friends and I will take it down very very you might want to take notes.

“Let Me Clear One Thing Up....
Here’s What You DON’T Need To Use This Simple Application...”

You don’t need a website.

You don’t need to have a product.

You don’t need any experience.

You don’t need to be a salesperson.

You don’t need to give up hours of your valuable time.

You don’t need to wait more than 112 minutes to see real, profitable results. And in 48 hours you'll be shocked.

You don’t need to spend a ton of cash on advertising.

You don’t need any technical knowledge.

You don’t need to be an expert in any niche or market.

You don’t need SEO & Link-Building, Twitter, CPA networks, Media Buying & PPV traffic.

You don’t need social bookmarking, email ads and swaps, classified ads, article marketing, JV partners and affiliates.

And you definitely don’t need Google.

“Scamming Rehashed Affiliate Tactics,
SEO Guides That Need A PhD To Understand,
One Sale-In-A-Million
PPV Systems,
Two-A-Dime ClickBank Guides....
The List Goes On....And On....”

Some of you may already have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on get-rich-quick products. By the end of this year, you'll probably have wasted another couple of hundred on useless e-books.

You already know that you probably won't make a single cent back.

Trust me - I know how that feels.

All you’ll end up doing is burning a hole in your pocket.

You’ll cough up thousands of your hard-earned dollars on:

* rehashed affiliate tactics about product selection, secret loopholes, and trickery....that then tell you what you already know

* Google guides - either SEO guides that need a degree in rocket science to understand or PPC guides that empty your bank account faster than you can throw them in the trash can

* ClickBank guides that every Tom, Dick and Harry out there’s trying to sell.

* PPV systems that deliver millions of hits...but not even a single sale.

I'm sorry to say it, but the market is littered with trash. There are methods which might work for a bit - article marketing, press release marketing, podcasting video marketing etc.

But these are what I call "manual labor". You've gotta break your back every day to get any kind of return. And then to maintain that return, you need to put the hours in constantly. It's like having a full-time office job without even making the same kind of money.

And what if a Google algorithm changes just a teeny bit. Yep our good friend Google. A year's worth of work goes down the toilet in a matter of seconds.

No thanks... I’d rather have a traffic source that I can depend on one that doesn’t rely on the whims of the “Google Gods”.

“I’m Sorry To Tell You This But Google, Yahoo and MSN,

About You And Your Family...”

I wish I could tell you that Google Adwords, "bread and butter" for so many, will become more affordable for normal folks like you and me.

Sadly, that simply isn't true.

Google Adwords costs have more than quadrupled.

Plus, they recently banned thousands of Adword accounts, leaving several Fortune 500 companies and affiliate marketers scrambling for a new traffic source.

It makes me sick to my stomach when I hear about all the Google horror stories out there.

They're so arrogant and self righteous it’s next to impossible to do business with them. As a matter of fact over the last few months they cancelled over 15 000 advertisers’ accounts and banned most of them for life.

Those people literally ruin lives and they couldn’t care less.

Direct marketers people like you and I built their company and now they spit in our face like dogs, so they can save the space for their corporate sponsor buddies!

The same goes for Yahoo and MSN. I wasted a lot of time and lot of cash before I realised this one simple thing:

These companies don’t care about you or your family.

Under no circumstances should you trust them to provide you with a decent income.

I was once a slave to these vermin before it finally hit me. I finally had my wake up call which cemented my financial security.

“All I Needed Was A Shortcut...
Something That’s EASY, Doesn’t Waste Time

After being screwed by Google (excuse my language, but it still makes me angry), I turned to other traffic sources.

I spent endless hours trying to find a way in which I could find a CONSISTENT, stream of traffic which I could exploit to my advantage.

In many ways I was lucky. I stumbled across a glitch which right away I knew was something incredibly powerful.

At first it was simply a method which I unleashed every day - but it took time.

So to make things even simpler, I used an expert developer to code this powerful technique into a push-button software tool.

All you need to do is click your mouse 13 times, spare 12 minutes a day and have $14 to spend.

That’s how shockingly simple but powerful this method is.

In just 112 minutes, you could be making money from this.

The effect is almost instant.

This new, controversial method I’ve stumbled across is so simple no matter what your level of experience, or what your daily routine, this can work for you.

That’s guaranteed.

All you need to do is click your mouse 13 times, spare 12 minutes a day and have $14 to start with.

If an average guy like me can expose this glitch for regular $618 paydays, so can you.

Who Am I To Be Telling You This?

But first, if you’re reading this and wondering who I am and why you should listen to me, let me give you some important info.

Just over 18 months ago, my life was a mess.

I lost my job in the recession. I found myself struggling to pay off the mortgage, credit card bills, utility bills...well, the list goes on.

The regular trips to the job centre weren’t helping either. There just weren’t any jobs out there for me.

I spoke to a friend about the situation and he asked me whether I’d considered making money online.

You might be shocked to hear that, up until a few years ago, I didn’t even know what a web browser was. I’d never even bought anything online, let alone made any money on the net.

In instantly dismissed my friend’s advice. But, about 6 weeks later....with 6 more visits to the job centre under the built, I decided to look into it. The first thing I did was search “make money online” on Google.

“1,800,000,000 Users On A
$300,000,000,000 SPENDING SPREE...”

Now, first of all, let me run some cold, hard facts past you. You’re going to need some context for this.

If you don’t already know it, the Internet is a gargantuan marketplace.

Right now there are more than 1.8 billion internet users worldwide.

Take a second to really think about that.


Millions upon millions of people are joining the net every month.

This thing is just going to get BIGGER. It scares me to say that.

Even more staggering is that, this year alone, over $300 billion will be spent online.

I’m sure you’ll agree that’s one hell of a spending spree.

Just think how many people will be dipping into their wallet over the next few months...

You’ve heard about ClickBank right? It’s one of the biggest online marketplaces in the world.

More than 26,000 digital transactions take place on there every day. That’s a sale every 3 seconds.

Think about how many sales have been made since I’ve been talking to you.

It’s incredible.

“But Here’s The BAD NEWS...”

Without accurate, targeted traffic you’re not going to see the kind of paydays that I mentioned earlier.

$325, $432 or even $618 days.

To get that kind of razor sharp traffic, you need thousands of hours and tons of hard-earned cash.

That's why over 94% of the online marketers who started out this year are failing miserably...

They just don't have enough traffic.

Are you one of those people?

Well if you are, what you need is a shortcut.

A shortcut that slices through the junk and brings you fast results.

A shortcut that could save you thousands of hours and thousands of dollars.

That’s what I’m offering the next 234 people.

A controversial shortcut that gives you fast results.

Once you install this software and set up a campaign with just 13 clicks, you’ll see an avalanche of targeted traffic in a matter of 48 hours. There’ll be a real rush of cash-paying customers, and you can send them anywhere you want.


Works on ANY Computer

Profiting 112 Minutes From NOW

$4,191 In First 7 Days

$219,249 Last Month

Only 234 Copies Available - If You Don't Get Results, You'll Get A Full Refund AND $100

>>I’ve Heard Enough – Give Me My Copy Of Auto Traffic Avalanche!<<

Fewer Than 0.7% Of Visitors To This Site
Will Be Able To Get A Copy Of Auto Traffic Avalanche..."

The bad news is that we can’t open this up to everyone – that could affect its profitability. Remember it exposes a glitch and we don’t want to draw too much attention to it.

So taking those factors into consideration, we’ve done some number-crunching and we’ve decided that this needs to be restricted to 234 people.

That’s a precise figure, I know.

But there are strong reasons for that, which our members will discover.

Since it’s an underground method I can’t give too much away. But what I can tell you is that this taps into an underground traffic network that is way less competitive than Google. It also offers better targeting than Google.

Once you install this software and set up a campaign with just 13 clicks, you’ll see an avalanche of targeted traffic in a matter of 48 hours. There’ll be a real rush of cash-paying customers, and you can send them anywhere you want.

All you could start with is a simple affiliate link. Whether it’s ClickBank, Amazon, Ebay, Commission Junction, Hostgator or any affiliate program out there, it’ll work with this software.

If you don’t know anything about affiliate links, don’t worry, we’ll teach you that in under 5 minutes.

It’s so simple to use and, between the three of us, we’re there to support you with this. Even if you’ve never made a cent online, you’re going to be bowled over by how easy this is. That’s guaranteed.

Just 112 minutes from now, you could be seeing sums like these pouring into your account.

>>>Mike, I’m Sick Of Failing With All The Useless Methods Out There.
I Want To Make Money TODAY And Every Day Give Me Instant Access <<<

What would you do with that kind of cash being siphoned into your account on a daily basis? Whether it’s paying the mortgage, funding a new car or having the freedom to take more holidays, I’m guessing this’ll make a real difference to your life.

“Remember If This Doesn’t Get You Results Instantly
I’ll Pay You BACK Every Last Red Cent ...”

I’m so serious about how powerful this push-button software is, I’m banking my reputation on it.

I want to create a small network of people who use this and profit with it. It's not an ego thing, it's simply a real passion of mine. That's why I'm making this available to just a few people.

The best way for me to prove that to you that Auto Traffic Avalanche really is as shockingly good, is to let you have a copy at an amazingly low price.

So what do you say to $197?

Too high? Even for a lifetime of amazing profit?

OK, how about $97?

Think about not having to get up and drag yourself into the office every day.

Imagine knowing that you have enough to send your kids to college without worrying about your mortgage.

Knowing that your life is going to be worth enjoying.

Right, the lowest possible price I can offer you…

My absolute final offer…

Just $39.

Sound good?

That’s a heavily discounted single payment – there’s no monthly fee, no small print and no upgrade charges.

But it’s only going to last today.

>>> Start Your 60 Days Trial Now! <<<

My Crazy Guarantee

I’m so completely confident that Auto Traffic Avalanche is exactly what YOU need to finally get your online business flying.

In fact, I’m so confident, that I'm prepared to let you try it risk free for an entire 60 days.

That way, you get peace of mind, and I do too.

You see, I don't have to worry that you're at all unhappy with your purchase, because you can get an easy refund at any point in the first 60 days.

So you're free to download the whole thing, and try it out. Install it on your system, place a couple of trades – just try it out for size…

And if you don't make money, don't make enough money, or just don't like the system, no problems at all!

You'll get every last cent refunded to you. No questions asked.

But it doesn't end there...I'll go even further than that to make sure you're fully protected.

You see, a lot of guys would ask you to prove you tried the system before they give your money back.

But not me. I don't care if you don't even download it. If you want your money back, you’ve got it – all of it.

And that's set in stone.

Now I'm sure you've bought digital products before, and you don't need me to tell you how rare this kind of guarantee is.

I just wanted to make it clear to you that this is a completely no-risk purchase.

So act now - take advantage of me and grab Auto Traffic Avalanche for a mind-boggling low price of $39 - with absolutely zero risk!

100% Secure Order Form

YES, Mike!

I want to be one of the exclusive members who gets access to the Auto Traffic Avalanche Intelligent Software.

I’m ready to make REAL, CONSISTENT profits with this groundbreaking traffic application, with just 12 minutes ‘work’ a day.

I am aware that Mike Wright, is taking all the risk out of this investment. I am completely covered by Mike’s cast-iron 60 day money-back guarantee. I will be refunded 100% of my investment if I am not totally happy with the amazing profits Auto Traffic Avalanche will make me.

I also understand that a one time only $39 fee is the only thing I will EVER have to pay for a lifetime’s profits. There is no limit to the profits I can make, and any wins are completely my own.

I am ready to change my financial destiny – FOREVER – by clicking the 100% secure "Add to cart" link below:

ONLY 234 Available
Order Auto Traffic Avalanche Now
For A One-Off 75% Discounted Price
Of ONLY $39

So remember, I’m taking all the risk out of this investment – if you’re not 100% thrilled with Auto Traffic Avalanche, I’ll personally see to it that your money is returned to you – all of it. What's more if you don't get any results with it, I'll also take $100 out of my own wallet and put it in your pocket. There really is nothing to lose here.

Remember, there are only 234 packages available, so you need to move quickly. All you have to do is click the Add to Cart button and complete the order form to get started.

Mike Wright

Try It Now...

I’m Ready To Start Profiteering

With Auto Traffic Avalanche!

ONLY 234 Available
Order Auto Traffic Avalanche Now
For A One-Off 75% Discounted Price
Of ONLY $39

PS: If you’re sick of working for someone else’s gain, and making mega money that you never see, this revolutionary system is for you. Transform yourself into a successful business in your own right – and invest in your own future!

Auto Traffic Avalanche WILL SELL OUT. No question about it – there will be a mad rush for a software as advanced as this. If you don’t hurry you’re going to see the SOLD OUT page for good.

PPS: Auto Traffic Avalanche is specifically designed to get you up and running, making profit in no less than 112 minutes FROM NOW.

Whether you’re experienced or a total newbie, this software will walk you through the online maze and towards a new profitable life!

>>Let me in, Mike – I want to start earning NOW!<<


ONLY 234 Available
Order Auto Traffic Avalanche Now
For A One-Off 75% Discounted Price
Of ONLY $39